Wednesday, 20 August 2008 |
An essential part of the library of any person interested in the Australian stingless native bees is the recently published book by John Klumpp. It is titled ‘Australian Stingless Bees, A Guide to Sugarbag Beekeeping’ and was written by John Klumpp.
This book covers a wide range of topics on keeping these bees being written by John in an informative yet entertaining style, with a large number of illustrations and photos. It highlights the diversity of ideas and practices of meliponists (these bees belong to the group Meliponae) and is sure to inspire the reader to share the enjoyment of these special little bees. Undoubtedly it will increase the chances of success in the pursuit.
I have copies of this book which I can post to you for $35 plus $4 postage and handling making a total of $39, great value for an invaluable guide to the keeping of the stingless bees.
Email me with your contact details, and I will reply with instructions advising banking details for you to do a direct transfer . Once I have confirmed that the transfer has been completed, I will post the book to you
Bob the Beeman